Life is wonderful in the Curtis home! I hate blogging, so you only get a picture update on us once and awhile. (I'D RATHER BLOG STALK) TemeKula is loving life with baby Beckham, with major adjustments at 8 weeks she's loving him here with us and wouldn't have it any other way. Beckham is chunking out, everything about him is round and plump. He's so squeezable and kissable. Brady is preparing for finals again, with one year to go WAHOO!!! Beckham's blessing was wonderful, my hubby did an amazing job. I'm so grateful to have the priesthood in my home.Thanks to everyone who supported us on that special day, especially our family for traveling in the unexpected snow!! As for me I love staying home with my kids, I'm so grateful for all the hard work Brady does so I am able to be with them. I do have to admit two is a lot harder than one. Beckham is an easy going baby and does the usual- eat, sleep, poop and OCCASIONAL SMILES FINALLY:) TemeKula has started to develop into such a lovely little lady, she has her own opinion on EVERYTHING. We're slowly getting used to this, but I'm so used to bossing her around that when she comes back at me with a NORMAL response for a four year old my jaw drops and I want to react in a sisterly way instead of a motherly way. I love her! She's super witty and its fun watching her grow up I just haven't gotten used to the back talk yet. :)
older sister:) He loved it!!
This is also TemeKulas new favorite hiding spot. I sent her to her
roomfor sassying me and I forgot to check on her and when I did,
thisis where I found her- asleep underneath the crib:)
Gram stayed with us for a couple days the weekend of
Beckhams blessing. It was so nice to have her here!
Beckhams blessing. It was so nice to have her here!
Oh man I need to see that little man. If you have been down and haven't called me you're in big trouble! But I'm sure I'll be up there sometime during the summer so I'll have to see him then.
yay for the update! he is getting so big and is just so stinking cute!! madilyn slept the exact same way for a long time! :) i love the little hands in the air. and temekula is adorable! i can't wait to see and play with her
Cutest little family Lace! You look so dang cute! And the sassing just started for you...? Kodi Anne has not yet hit 3 and she is all over it ugh. Kenton isn't into it though must me a girl thing lol
OH lace..he's getting so big! you guys all look so good! i'm glad everything went well for his blessing i wish i could've come! miss you!
i normally don't say new babies are cute but he is adorable and has the cutest features!!! Good job!!! I love that Meka is getting sassy!!! hhaha it cracks me up
aw! I am in love with your little family that you have!! We NEED to get together sometime. I miss you!
oh those are some cute pictures...I love them!! I will have to find out details on who took the family ones of Beckham's newborns pics especially...
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